In a time when artificial intelligence is dominating the global narrative, it's easy to forget the real impact of meaningful experiences and authentic human connection. We believe nothing (yet) can compare to “Being Real”. It’s one of our values, after all. 

Last month, we kicked off the first Future Focus event in our series of asembl.Conversations. It was a personal, intimate, discussion-based afternoon around the topic of Being Real: Emotion, Authenticity and Community in the 'Age of AI.'🤖

The topic of conversation gave us A LOT to think about. 

Here's a snapshot of our 5 key takeaways...

1. Everyone’s idea of community is different.1-Nov-02-2023-01-20-35-7728-PM

Members’ expectations vary from support and capability-sharing to comradery and human connection. Often, there are different communities within communities. Make sure you respect all voices and provide the right channels for conversations to take place.


2-Nov-02-2023-01-25-18-1381-PM2. Consider the hidden influences.


B2B audiences are particularly unusual, as decisions are made by a collection of personas. For every “person” you’re talking to, there’s usually a team of people behind them influencing the outcome. Tell stories so that your messaging is memorable and easily translated.


3. Ditch the selfies. 3-Nov-02-2023-01-25-18-1425-PM

Personal branding is important, but it’s authenticity that creates connection. You can only truly differentiate yourself by embracing your own voice and finding your own style. Those who speak honestly and allow themselves to be vulnerable not only build trust but deliver greater impact.




4. Make your message relatable.

Sometimes, it can be a challenge to get attention. When a personal approach isn’t scalable, you can still make your point in a more meaningful way. Use language and examples which resonate on a deeper level. People buy into feelings, not facts.


5. Community is reciprocal.5-Nov-02-2023-01-25-18-1429-PM

You get out what you put into your community. Eventually, you will need something, so it’s important to give and not just take. You must invest proper time and effort so that your community is there when you need it.



So, those are our top 5 key takeaways... Do any of these resonate with you? Let us know! We'd love to hear from you - get in touch here.
